The AYM topic for this month was English. I challenged the group to use a sentence diagram as their title. Not everyone complied, but many did!! Just check them out below.
"I have learned through the years that non-verbal communication is just as important as the spoken word, if not more. You can tell a lot about a person by their non-verbal cues. I have been told many times I wear my feelings on my sleeve. I apparently have many facial expressions- these pictures have captured some of my classics. The "pouty pictures" are taken when I was about 4. The other picture is of me pitching a softball in junior high. Perhaps this "pitching face" is where the nickname Stamminator was born from. So, while I'm not speaking in these pictures, my face is sure saying something!"
It always amazes me that our children learn the English language, and that they are able to communicate from ages just over 1 year old when I struggle to remember just one word of another language.
These are a few of my favorite stories about the cute things my three biological grandchildren have said to me.
Adrian is the oldest and since he was just a few months old, he loved my clock. It plays a song from 6 different songs every hour, but what is really unique is that the clock divides and spins revealing all kinds of working parts. As soon as he would hear the music he would yell, “Clock, Grammie, clock”. We would watch the workings of the clock every hour.
Sadie found us November 11, 2009. She was a stray that wondered into our yard and decided to stay. She is a great dog, but can be very vocal. Being a bird dog must make her think she can sing like the birds, however, her voice can be very deep or very high. Mariah Carey has nothing on her. But some of her best “words” are unspoken. She’s been with us for over 4 years and we discover more of her words every day. Most of her sentences end with an exclamation mark- that’s why she’s so sassy. Melodye