Friday, December 2, 2011


I'm getting ready to "roll-out" A Year of Memories/2012. I have 41 participants this year in 4 different groups---double from last year. As you all know, I am passionate about this. 

A few years ago, we picked a book for our family book club called The Giver, by Lois Lowry. It’s about a time in the future when each and every man, woman and child has a particular purpose in their society---everything about their lives is decided by the “elders” The life-long assignments are given out at the age of 12. One of these characters holds the memories of the group. His title---The Giver---indicates his job of preparing the next child (the receiver) that will be given the memories for safekeeping. He “gives” the memories to him one at a time---starting with the happy ones. Then he gives the sad, lonely, tragic memories---it’s a pretty big burden because the child suffers the pain of each memory along the way. Not to be melodramatic here, but it is a really good book and worth the read.
My personal goal is to inspire you to tell your stories and to help you become The Giver of your memories. 
Let the year begin!!

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