After returning home from a meaningful and inspiring trip, I came down with a cold that triggered a hive's episode. The only good thing I can say about that is that I was able to get through it without increasing my prednisone. I'm determined to get off this stuff. As a result, I've lost the past week. But I'm back now and ready to get things done. Here's the catch. I leave again on Monday for one of my favorite events of the year---our annual spring "farm crop." I'll be gone until Friday without internet access. I will be able to get emails via my phone---but even that has sporadic reception. I have a lot to do this weekend to get ready (including a date to see Hunger Games with my book club), but in the meantime---in keeping with this, the most holiest of weeks---this sign says it all.
When I get home on Friday, I'll be getting ready for Easter brunch. I never even got my spring decorations out this year. It just sort of crept up on me. Anyway, I'll be cooking the same old things---the family always requests the same things. We'll have a honey baked ham and turkey, hash brown casserole, carrot casserole, peas, jello salad and some sort of cake---like a coconut cake or something. I haven't quite decided that. I want to get my grocery list put together this weekend so that perhaps, I can convince Butch to do the shopping while I'm gone this week. He'll do it. I think he likes grocery shopping.Things never slow down. I wouldn't have it any other way.