Monday, May 21, 2012


Jeanne's layout: "Identical Twins" & "Jennifer & Janice"
Janet:  "Italian Immigrant"
From Janet: "J" about all the people in the family whose names begin with the letter "J."
 "Island: Kauai" by Suzanne
 "in the country" and "jealous of these two" are my layouts.
 Another of my layouts. There is a pretty significant mistake here. If you were not at the meeting (and therefore know what the mistake is), leave me a comment below. The first person that figures it out gets a box of goodies from me.
 Nancy's layouts: "in-laws" & "jambes in the pool."
 Lauren's layouts: "Iroquois Steeplechase" & "Things that Bring Me Joy."
Pam's layouts: "ironing" & "jokester."
 Stephanie's layouts from last month: "Geocaching" & "Hairrible."
 Stephanie's layouts for this month: "iPhone" & "Jordan's Jungle."
 Mindy's layouts: "I Spy" & "jump, juggle & jog."
 Mindy's layouts from last month: "Go Greenwave" & "Haute Couture Headpieces."

 The layout I did for Connie's album: "idol" & "just jack."
 Judy's layout: "jewelry."
Judy's layout: "I am Italian & I got to see Italy."

Quite a few people were missing this month. I've also added the extra kit for June. I hope some don't start to fall too far behind. It can be hard to catch up. We'll see....posting TSRCC in the next couple of days.


  1. I don't need the box of stuff but you have your pages backwards & an "I" word on the "J" page. Glad to see you still make mistakes, too!

  2. Judy emailed me first as she still can't seem to post a comment here. You were right too. But, you BOTH spotted the "i" word on the "j" page that I didn't even pick up on myself. I guess the next time, I better be careful what I ask for. Seems my pages can't hold up to the scrutiny!!!
