Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February---Night Time Routine

This month, 3 people chose the same title: "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep." Of course, that's so perfect---I wish I'd thought of it too!!

The bedtime routine sure has changed since having a baby. Now, not only do we do our routine and make sure we have everything ready for ourselves the next day, we also have to make sure everything is ready for Nathan’s next day. This usually laying out clothes and packing his bag for daycare as well as making sure we know what is for dinner the next day. He likes to eat soon after we get home from “school.”  I would like to think I only check on him once after he goes to bed, but in reality, I know I check on him many times. 

At night when I’m winding down, getting ready to go to bed I start going over the check list of, have I or do I still have to do, things. Taking meds is  the start, of course I also have to make sure a drink is available, just in case I need one. As the time gets closer to turning in it’s a hopeful last trip to the bathroom that includes making sure the hair is twisted up for the night. Then as my destination gets closer I have to set my very old alarm clock, on work nights. Turning on the TV and setting the sleeper timer, is a very important step, I can fall asleep so easy with the TV on compared to laying in the dark trying to stop my mind from racing from one subject to the next. Reading is an alternative but it does hurt when the book hits you in the face. Of course the bed has to be prepared by removing the throw pillows, if they were put out.  Ron seems to never see them when he is the last one up – which is the norm since his retirement. I take my last round of meds and then it’s time to turn down the sheet and fluff up my very flat pillows. With everything done it’s time to Lay Myself Down To Sleep, which is the little prayer I say to myself  when I’m finally all the way in bed.  Pictures > It seems that the whole family has been able to fall asleep where and when needed. The crowded bed is the day I came home with Jackie, Alexis and Mike must have missed me, Ron gets Mike asleep easily in his chair – which Mike learned to do to baby Jackie on the couch. Jackie shows recliners are great sleep spots no matter what you were planning to do. . 
My title: "What's on our nightstand"
Besides the list of what each of us have on our nightstand, I focused on Butch's "candy stash." Everyone eats candy before bed----right???

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