Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Scrap Room Challenge this month was to use the colors celery green, turquoise, red and white. The topic was to scrapbook your car. This has been one of the most fun months. Everyone had a different and unusual "take" on the topics.
"Oh the Places I Go" is Linda's layout written from the perspective of the car. Very imaginative!
My layout is titled "Big Mistake" and tells how I hate my new car and the reasons why. I crossed it with old cars from the 1940's and 1950's lined up at Grandma Zimmermann's house. In the journaling, I said that these relatives would love my car just for the things we take for granted---power steering and air conditioning.
 Sandy ended up doing 2 layouts. This one is titled "My Cat Car." She noticed that there was a cat in every picture.
Her second layout is titled "I Love My Car."

Jan scrapbooked her aunt's car in "Aunt Chris Loved Red!"

Barbara scrapbooked her husband's classic Nomad---"Memories on Wheels."
Pam scrapbooked "My First Car."
"A Nice Ride" and "A Sleek Ride" was done by Kathy.
"Toyota or Honda" documents Nancy's cars.

Nancy picked the challenge for February. She wants us to take something our mothers always said that we now find ourselves saying and tell the story. The color scheme is yellow, grey and black. This is going to be interesting!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Suzanne did a little story for her "A" page about how this album is going to be travel related.
"British Virgin Islands"
"Ancestrial Branches" by Susan
"Actress Anna Claire" and "Belly Laughs" by Sally
"Anticipated Arrivals" by Mary Jo

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This year, I've changed A Year of Memories up a little for my first two groups. We're doing an ABC album. Some are planning on a particular theme, while most are doing a random album. The beauty of an album like this is that it allows you to scrapbook those one-of-a-kind photos that stand alone. It's hard to create a two-page layout around one photo. Although this album does not have to be about the stories, almost everyone had a story or two to tell. Of course, my layouts usually always revolve around the stories. This year, everyone can do whatever they want. Either way, they will have a completed album. It's been a lot of fun so far as everyone discusses their "alphabets." 

As always, I give a kit of materials. It's really fun to see how each person uses the same things and yet the layouts are so completely different.
I'm making an album for Connie this year. She's already planned just about her entire alphabet. She said that she wakes up in the middle of the night with new ideas. For her first pages, she chose "Amanda and Analise---Like Mother Like Daughter (most of they time) " for her "A". For "B" she went with "Blessed Baptisms." After this first month, I've limited her to 4 or 5 photos. I told her that I don't want to be the one to decided which photos to use. She can decide which are most important.
I'm making two ABC albums at the same time (and Connie's too). One of the albums is going to be random with lots of different topics, while the other will just be about me. My random album starts with "Americana or politically incorrect." The story is about the Aunt Jemima cookie jar I bought a few years ago that Butch had a fit over. He felt like it wasn't a good idea to display something like that. Well, I disagreed as Aunt Jemima is still on the pancake box. Little Black Sambo was my favorite childhood book too. My "B" page is titled "3 Bugs in a Rug." That's a term I used when Morgan and Jordan were little to keep them corralled with a blanket so that I could take a nap. We laid on the blanket with me in the middle. I would wrap the blanket over all of us and hold on to it. That way I could tell if one of them tried to escape.
Judy's "A" is Family "Art". She tells about how important art is to her and her family. She has a photo of something her son made when he was little and then some pictures that her granddaughters have drawn. 
Judy's "B" page is "bubbles." She and her family have enjoyed bubbles generationally. She even did a little research on the internet about bubbles.
Jeanne started her album with "Armadillo" and told the story of the "stuffed" armadillo that our sister, Janice, sent her, developed maggots after several years. Jeanne had the kids (Morgan and Madison) throw it into the woods to play a trick on Jim. Her "B" page is about "Babies and Beginnings" commemorating Angie's new pregnancy.
 Of all the topics this month (and there are lots of good ones), this is one of my favorites. "Awkward Stages" is about Karolyn and how she felt growing up. She has photos of her in the popular,  yet slightly odd eyeglasses and permed hair. I'm definitely going to scraplift this title for myself. Her "B" page is "Baby Cheeks". She has her and Bruce's baby pictures along with their three children. They all have the same chubby cheeks.
Stephanie's pages start with "Alabama Girls". Jordan and Morgan are Alabama fans because the Jackson side of the family is from there. She tells how we are all influenced by our parents. Her "B" page is titled "Baby Wiggles and Giggles". The story is about Jordan's first baby doll and how she was hopping up and down while grandpa was trying to get the packaging off. She kept saying, "Grandpa, don't hurt my baby!"
I'm very excited to have the "young 'ins" joining us this year. Lauren's first layout is about her sorority and the story behind it. Her "B" page is about Belmont Baseball---where her husband went to school and played as the closing pitcher.
Susan told the stories of "Arm Accidents" about Sara and Michael breaking their arms when they were little. Her "B"was "Born in the USA". She tells of family vacations over the 4th of July.

Nancy used "Antiques" to kick off her book. Her house is filled with them---including things passed down from her family. "B" was for "Books" and our book club. She cleverly put some of the book titles in the bingo card slots. I like her oversized letters.
Pam's first two pages are about Anna. Her "A"page is about Anna and her love of sports. Her "B" page tells the story of Anna's daddy calling her "Anna Banana" when she was little. He finally stopped when it started to embarrass her.
For my personal album, I started with "Addicted to the Internet"---which I am! I love everything about my computer and the things available on the internet---including my blogs. My "B" page is about all the "boys" in my life when I was a teenager. I was fortunate to have dozens of "guy" friends. Some of these were boyfriends too. 

Janet went with "Antiquing" to start her book. She tells of antiquing with her aunt and sister-in-law and then our side of the family too. Her "B" page is titled "Bunny". She tells the story of their first bunny and all of their family adventures with him. I like how she did her journaling on the computer and then printed it on the bridge tally sheet included in the kit. In putting the kits together this year, I've challenged myself to try to have most of the embellishments match the letters of the month.
Jackie's "A" is "Apple Picking" and tells of her family's annual apple picking day. I loved how she cut one of her photos in the shape of an apple. Her "B" was about her "Bride's Maid's Luncheon" and the fun she had that day.

I was so impressed with everyone's layouts. They were all so much fun. I think this is really going to be a fun year. Imagination is running wild!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Here is another layout from my 3rd group. Rebecca couldn't make the meeting, so she sent me her layout. I'll be sharing it with the rest of the group at our next meeting. The assignment was to recall 5 memories at 5 years old. Here is a recap of her journaling:

1- Kindergarten at DCC gone there since 3 and last year before big girl school.  Sang "germs my invisible dog" at graduation.

2- cousins- still lived close at the time, played together a lot and a new cousin was born on my little sister's birthday that year.

3- scoring "0" on the kindergarte exit test and mom thought I'd failed.  Turns out "0" was really "100" and I hit them all right!

4- learning to read by myself, still
An avid reader

5- sleepovers at Grandmas.  I went through this phase that I wouldn't sleep alone at home (grandma let me sleep in her big bed with her) and for a while I couldn't sleep over unless I stayed in
The guest room.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Seems like some of you are still having a problem "wrapping your head around" this year's project (okay, just one---who shall remain nameless). So, I thought I would share what my cousin, Judy came up with. I'm going to wait until our meeting to share the actual layout.

For her "A"---she chose: "family ART"---she talked about various family members and their art. She also has either photos or scans of her granddaughter's art.

For her "B"---she chose: "Bubbles"---and talks about how her family---generationally---has enjoyed the simple pleasure of bubbles. She even googled bubbles to get a little history. Great idea, I never would have thought of it.

This is what a random album is going to look like. Various topics, yet all encompassing when it comes to the people involved.

As we move through the year, we will also get lots of new ideas from each other.

Hope that helps.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This layout completes the guys year long journey. Their album is complete---although there were a few that didn't have theirs! Here are the layouts:

 Nancy's layout for Bill. He told the story of he and his brother finding their Christmas present under the bed and playing with it several times before Christmas. They got the surprise when the gift didn't turn up on Christmas. They found out that the gift was for someone else!

 This is Butch's layout. I don't have his album put together yet. Butch told the story of getting their first puppy. He then talked about our Christmas traditions today.
 Karolyn emailed me to tell me that she has put Bruce's album together. He's happy to show it off! Bruce has more "stuff" from his childhood than anyone I know. Wait, Bill has a ton of stuff too.

This is Jack's final layout. He had tons of pictures for this one. I had his album all ready to finally turn over to him. He's ready for Amanda and Malinda to see it.

Here are Jeanne's final layouts for Jim's album:

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

It feels good to have this project wrapped up as we start our third year of A Year of Memories. This year we're doing an ABC album. This is going to be fun. Stay tuned....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January AYM/3

The assignment this month was: "Five Memories at Five Years Old"---or any interpretation there of. I was quite impressed with our group. This is everyone's first time doing A Year of Memories and they all did a great job. The journaling is usually the stumbling block for most people. But, I have to say, these girls did a really nice job with it. They are all story tellers!

Another thing about this project---as each person tells their memories---it sparks a memory for the rest of us---many things we had forgotten.
"Me at 5" is Charon's title. One of her memories was about being an only child and playing with her imaginary friends, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. Her mother even made lunch for them! She realized later that those "extra" sandwiches wound up in her school lunch the next day.
Kathy chose "5 Memories" for her title. She talked about living with her grandparents and being spoiled by them. She mentioned sleeping in a featherbed and having banana curls---the type of things that are unknown to kids today.
Linda S. did a different take on the topic. She chose "7 Memories" (at 7 years). She told about growing up in Springfield, MO, using the "list" technique for her journaling.
Linda N. grew up in St. Louis. Since that's where I'm from, I could relate to her stories. "Five by Five" is her title. She talked about her move to Berkley (suburb of St. Louis), her house and going to a new school.
"5 MEmorable Teachers" is the title that Barbara chose for her layout. She went in a different direction with this topic. She shared a few stories about her favorite teachers and how they affected her life---especially one she didn't like and thought didn't like her. She found out at the end of the school year that this teacher cared enough to make her push herself.
On her "Memories" layout, Erna made her handwriting look like a 5 year old's---but she did say that's how she writes now. I wasn't quite sure if she was kidding or not. Her father was in the military, so she was born in Italy. She got her naturalization papers here.
"ReMEmber 5" is Sherry's title. She told about her first trip to Chattanooga and what it meant to her---Lookout Mountain and seeing 7 states.
Linda M. chose "5 Memories at 5" as her title. She has a note from her mother written as if in Linda's words. She took her for her first haircut that was supposed to just be a trim. When they cut off most of it, she tells of it nearly breaking her heart.
Jann told several funny stories and was able to pull some things off of the internet. She talked of her favorite tv show---"Winky Dink" and sending away for the "Winky Dink" kit. I had never heard of it, but just about everyone else in the class had. Apparently, the kit contained some type of film that you put on your tv so that you could use the accompanying crayons to interact with the show. Everyone loved being reminded of that.
Beverly's "five at 5" layout talked about growing up in Nashville. She made a record as an embellishment to go along with her mention of the records she loved to listen to when she was little.
Kathy J. went with the title "5 Decades of Memories" and told a little story about each decade. The class got a chuckle out of the fact that she liked to talk, but her teachers didn't want her to.
Fran's "Unforgettable Moments" had us laughing about the fact that she grew up with dogs, but never really liked them. She also told the story of falling out of the backseat of the moving car and then getting the "tar" beat out of her.
Shara's "5 Memories at 5" included the many boyfriends she had at such a young age. She told stories of making mud pies and kissing under the porch. We like how she put her stories in circles. She has a few more photos to add to the right page.
Considering Jennifer doesn't like pink, she did a good job with her "Five Memories at 5" layout. One of her stories was about the fact that she and her sister always had short hair. They put towels on their heads to pretend like they had long hair. She moved around a lot due to her dad being in the military.
Kathy T. went with the title, "5 Life Lessons I Wish I'd Learned When I was 5." She had a clever, push button recording device that played the song "Itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini"---which she also had. She related it to not being afraid to face her fears in life.

I was very happy with how each person took the topic and made it their own. That's what this workshop is all about---telling "your" stories that only you can tell. I look forward to seeing what they do next month with their "purse" layouts.